“The medicine of the future will be music and sound”

-Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)

Listen to the soothing sounds of Donna playing Tibetan singing bowls.

…And The Future Is NOW

Sound healing uses vibration and frequency to:

-calm and regulate the nervous system

-aid in deeper brain wave levels of meditation, through entrainment

- transcend the noisy mind chatter into higher states of consciousness

-release stress in the body

-relieve anxiety

-reduce inflammation in the body

-relieve physical or emotional pain

-stop overthinking

-boost our immune system and eradicate disease in the body

Neuroscientists, medical technology, and mental health professionals are all collecting data that supports the vast benefits on our total well-being from exposure to sound healing.

This is just the beginning of our Western understanding of what ancient, indigenous healers, shamans, and medicine doctors, from all over the world, have intuitively known and practiced for centuries.

Experience it for yourself and you too will know it’s power by how you feel during and after a sound healing session.


Sound Healing Offerings

  • Private & Small Group Sound Healing

    I play Tibetan singing bowls, in healing hertz frequencies, that immerse you in a “sound bath” and after only 7 minutes your brain waves will entrain (sync) with the vibrations of my bowls, getting you out of your noisy, thinking mind and into a blissful, transcendent state of consciousness.

    These frequencies are healing by regulating the body’s nervous system, quieting the anxious mind, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, and reducing inflammation.

    Donna’s sound baths are like a mini vacation on a tropical beach for an hour.

    I offer private and group sound bath sessions.

    $120/hour 1-2 people

    $200/hour 3-6 people

    $300/hour 7-10 people

  • Bride Circles & Wedding Accompaniment

    I offer Bridal Circle Sound Bath Sessions for you and your bridesmaids - which includes a heart- opening Cacao Ceremony & Oracle Card Reading.

    I will lead your Bridal Circle in setting intentions for you as you are crossing the threshold into union with your beloved.

    I offer Sound Bath accompaniment as your wedding guests are arriving or while you & your bridesmaids are getting ready - to center, calm & raise the vibration of all - setting the intention for your wedding to flow with ease, grace, love & joy.

    Bridal Circle/2 hours/$400up to 10 participants in Morristown

    More than 8 participants please call to discuss location

    Wedding Accompaniment within 25 miles of Morristown, NJ/ $750


Raise the Vibration of your special event to the highest frequency-



Why meditation & sound healing?

Modern-day spiritual leader and best-selling author, Eckhart Tolle says, “If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.” 5,000 years ago, ancient yogis in India, indigenous tribe leaders, and medicine men and women from all around the world had the same understanding, and the paths they practiced and taught were yoga (mindful movement), meditation, and sound healing.

These are some of the most powerful paths to take you within to quiet your mind chatter so that you can harmoniously connect your heart, body and spirit - tuning out the noise of the outside world so you can hear your inner voice - the only voice that matters.

If practiced consistently; mindfulness, meditation, and sound healing will bring your physical and emotional bodies into balance and a state of wellness, so you can live your most authentic life.

Today, we are reconnecting with these powerful ancient practices and when we learn them from both their indigenous roots and our modern scientific perspective, we can begin to heal from generations of disconnection of our own selves, families, communities, and the world at large.

Learn more about meditation and sound healing on my blog. Everyone can benefit from learning these practices - and there is no better time to begin than now. .