Astrology is the new Therapy

The natal chart is a blueprint of the soul’s journey in this lifetime. The chart is perfect - it includes our gifts and strengths, our challenges and opportunities for growth, our childhood imprints, our relational energy, how others perceive us, our love languages, our physical, mental and emotional needs and much more.

Having a natal chart reading with Donna will illuminate and validate aspects of yourself that you have intuitively known but maybe never put together before. Learning your chart and taking astrology or Moon classes with Donna empowers you to know yourself on a deeper level, sharpen your self awareness, and break old, limiting patterns - freeing you up to live a more fulfilling and conscious life.

The more aware and conscious you are of your own patterns, where they stem from and how to break them - the more empowered you become.

Astrology Offerings

  • Personal Astrology Reading (Zoom)

    Learning your personal astrology illuminates & validates your emotional, mental, physical processes and needs, your strengths and challenges, life lessons, purpose, love languages and more.

    You will understand yourself on a deeper level and take your power back from feeling like life is just happening to you and see that it is happening for you.

    And not only that, but it is just so intriguing and fun to learn!

    I offer live, video Natal Chart Readings that are recorded so you can download it and have it to review forever.

    ***SALE UNTIL 4/30: (regularly $144)

    $122/90 minute live & recorded video session

  • 1:1 Mystic Moon Journey

    This is a 1:1 virtual Mystic Moon Journey. Every week of the month, you will have a private session with Donna as she guides you through the Moon's changing energies & how they are showing up in your personal natal chart.

    Donna will guide you in setting intentions, support you though challenges & empower you to manifest your goals.

    This is a personal journey of amazing growth & self-awareness for those who are ready to know themselves on a deeper level & live with more intention.

    This is a one-month journey only for those who are ready for accelerated growth and awareness and who are committed to this process.


  • Group Mystic Moon Journey (in person class)

    With your personal natal chart in hand, you will join other women on the New & Full Moons to see where Mama Moon is showing up in your life, so you can feel empowered, be more self-aware & set intentions for what you want to create in your world.

    There is always an oracle card pull at the end of class and of course its the exact message you need to see!

    Friday evening class is SOLD OUT Saturday morning class has 1 spot left.

    If you are interested in a Saturday afternoon class, please send me an email


    2 - 2 hour classes/month

  • Conscious Parenting Natal Chart Reading (Zoom)

    Knowing your child's astrology, through their personal natal chart, is absolutely life changing for parents.

    When you learn their Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury and Mars placements (the personal planets) - you understand their own signature traits, needs, strengths, & challenges on all levels - mental, emotional and physical.

    In this session you will learn how others perceive them upon first meeting, inner emotional processing, how they can shine, mental/communication process, physical energy, love language and so much more!

    Due to the in-depth nature of this session, this offering is for only one child’s chart at a time. It will be recorded for you to download and keep forever.

    ***SALE until 4/30 (regularly $200)

    $155/2 hour recorded Zoom session